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Game of the Month
Classic Game of the Month
Upcoming RPGs
06/01 Phantasy Star Trilogy
06/01 Ys VI: Ark of Napishtm
06/14 Arc the Lad: EOD
06/21 Battle Network 5: TC / TP
06/28 Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
06/?? Boktai
07/12 Fullmetal Alchemist 2
07/15 Riviera
07/19 Colosseum
07/26 Lunar Genesis
07/26 Graffiti Kingdom
07/26 Makai Kingdom
07/26 RPG Maker 3
08/?? Shaman King: MoS 2
08/16 Wild Arms: Alter Code F
08/23 SMT: Digital Devil Saga 2
Previous Games of the Month
PS2 | Xbox | GCN